Howard Kalish Music Howard Kalish Music

What The Hey

Hear Howard with the Cornell Hurd Band and the Texas Swing Kings.

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What the Hey

"...Howard is what you'd call a "hot" fiddle player. He's also a songwriter, singer, bandleader and multi-instrumentalist. But above all, the man is a lover of good music. ...if you like Real Country...if you like Western Swing...if you like Texas Music, you're going to love Howard Kalish's What The Hey." - Cornell Hurd

"I'm sure you will enjoy this recording as much as I do. I especially liked the twin fiddle tunes and the songs written by Howard. Ol' Howard's a great musician along with being a very talented songwriter. This record is real swinging Country & Western music. It's like being on the bandstand with the Pure Texas Band." - Don Walser

Featuring - Don Walser, Scott Walls, Skinny Don Keeling, Phillip Farjardo, Floyd Domino, Rick McRae, Timmy Campbell, Ernie Durawa, Lynn Daniel, Justin Trevino, and Dave Biller

To order, send a check for $14 to:

Howard Kalish
P.O. Box 41595
Austin, TX 78704-1595

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